My repsonse to a raging debate on Asari Dokubo's page on Face book!


History is being made here on behalf of Nigeria as we learn to disagree without taking each other off our pages. After all, the venom with which some of the articles began with are now toning down. People, why dont we critique the article and recommend ways to resolving the issues. Intolerance will take us no where and it is shameful when we get personal irrespective of the good cause.A wrong cannot make a right thus equity is explicit in its constitution...don’t sacrifice at the expense of another man's rights if we do then Al-Qaida will claim vindication. Leadership is our PRIMARY NEED as we have seen nations with no mineral resources excel. The Niger Delta is a reflection of Nigeria and a direct product of poor leadership. All these ethnic stories predates us and have become an effective tool for politicians to use, divide & rule us ...and it comes in all forms such as Igbo people hate Rivers people, Inde ba mi ir,Ijaw hate Itsekiri, urhorobo go kill itsekiri,isan hate Anioma,riverine hate upland,fulani hate hausa,yoruba no be real moslem,middlebelt no be northerners,ibibio hate effik,ogoni na pure pure,ogoja no be calabar people,ya mi ri,zango kataff no be northerners, Ngwa hate Bende,the ISU caste system et al. Why cant all Nigerians aspire to lead as president? why must a nation be reduced to the mediocrity of zoning(imagine if the USA zones),why must we all belong to the PDP? Must we all be politicians? Why is the nation dependent on MEND & Co for proof / alibi? What will be the honours for outstanding performance in the land? Where is the most influential institution in Nigeria (the civil service-policy maker, executor& regulator) in our quest for development...questions , questions. As i read through the various posts, i have garnered some credible information and some puzzles have fallen into place and i think the authorities should shift & act with the credible ones. There were also warnings and i think we should THINK about them. As for you my fellow pseudo- experts on Nigeria the least you can do in our AGREED march to development is to implement all that is within your sphere of influence/control and that is to speak, post your ideas, critique, disagree, agree, never be silent but most of all ALLOW THE OTHER OPINION or we all go and ask GOD to forgive us for being innate DICTATORS! We all know Nigeria's problems can we start discussing there will be no movement if we keep pointing at the spilled milk ....a pleasant weekend is wished you all.